Okay. Alright. I'm fine. Really, I'm fine. I'm just...going a little crazy, that's all. I'm just not getting along with my project, that's all.
So, I've just started Eunny Jang's
Bayerische Socks. They are beautiful socks. Precise. Decorative. Elegant. Impossible.
Okay, not impossible, but difficult to the brink of insanity. Maybe I'm exaggerating. Just a little.
I don't know if it's the combination of the difficulty of the pattern, or my (now) hatred of size O Knit Picks Harmony needles, or the fact that I'm not getting along with my yarn.
Cascade Heritage is beautiful. The stitch definition is incredible, the sheen is lovely, the color is rich and vibrant. But am I the only one in the world who has had a splitting issue? That yarn just fans when you try to stick your needle through it, and inevitably there's one ply that just won't comply. Brat!
The fact is, maybe it's me. Maybe I just don't know how to get along. Am I having trouble listening to the project? Does it just not like me?
I think (sob, sob) what I'll have to do is frog and start on a size 1 needle. It's just that those size 0 needles bend. I don't think they're supposed to bend, but they do. And I constantly have the feeling that one is going to snap in my hand. And I wouldn't like that. I already have a splinter in my hand and can't get it out, and I don't need another one.
So maybe size 1s will do the trick. They're just nicer. And they don't bend. And they are pointier, which will hopefully stop the yarn from practically fraying as soon as I touch it.
And in the meantime, maybe I'll cast on another sock to keep me sane. So I can feel like I actually know what I'm doing as I knit, so as not to go loopy. At least not too loopy.
Well, anyway. See how far I got? How am I going to continue if it's hardly even started and I'm already despising the thought of working on it? It was really the increase row that got me. Eunny, you're so smart. And amazing. And awesomely cool. But where in the world did you come up with "k tbl, m1 knitwise, purl front and back, m1 purlwise, purl 1"? 6 stitches out of 3? Brilliant! But horrible! I'm dreading doing it again. And I'll have to. There are two socks!